Guest Info
These rules are made to permit the members and guests to enjoy the club to the fullest extent. They are subject to review and change from time to time as circumstances and the membership dictate.
It is expected that all members, their families and guests will conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen. Any complaints should be directed to the General Manager or to the Board of Governors in writing for investigation and action. Any complaints against members should be directed to the Membership Committee.
Dress should be in good taste and in harmony with the specific activities and status as country club members. There are specific guidelines for tennis, golf, pool and clubhouse areas which members are requested to observe. If in doubt, please check with the manager or staff.
Guests are welcome. There are restrictions on the number of times an individual may be a guest. Please refer to the appropriate section for details. Members are responsible for their guests and the payment of fees and charges.
A golf guest fee entitles a guest to use all of the facilities of the club. A tennis guest fee entitles a guest to use the tennis and pool facilities, while a pool guest fee allows only the use of the pool. All guests may use the clubhouse and dining facilities.
Registration of Guests
Registration of Guests
Golf, tennis and pool guests are to be registered at their respective locations in the golf pro shop, tennis pro shop or pool house. (The New York State Health Department requires that all persons entering the pool area must register at the life guard station.)
U.S.G.A. rules are in effect. Particular emphasis is placed on golf etiquette, including the care of the course. Starting times rules and restricted times are included in the Golf Committee rules. Rules for operation of golf carts must be strictly observed.
U.S.T.A. rules are in effect for all competition. Rules on dress, court times, priorities and tournaments are reviewed from time to time by the Tennis Committee.
The Pool Committee, in addition to specific government health requirements, has developed rules for dress and behavior in the pool area.
Clubhouse and Restaurant
Clubhouse and Restaurant
Dress codes for the season and operating hours are published on the monthly activity calendar.